Buceo Mantra 5 Star Dive Resort
Cursos de buceo PADI para todos los niveles, buceo por primera vez Bautismo Submarino, salidas guiadas para buzos certificados.
Salidas Guiadas en Bicicleta
Descubre rutas increíbles sobre dos ruedas y disfruta de la naturaleza mágica de Pichidangui y sus alrededores.
Recorre junto a nosotros los mejores spot de buceo y bicicleta de la zona central de Chile.
Bautismo Submarino
Aquí te enseñamos todo lo necesario para tener una experiencia divertida y segura.
Love it. Save it. Dive it.
Unlike other modes of diving, which rely either on breath-hold or on breathing gas pumped from the surface, scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, usually compressed air,allowing them greater freedom of movement than with an air line or diver’s umbilical and longer underwater endurance than breath-hold. Scuba equipment may be open circuit.
Vacation Starts with Discounts!
Inland or onshore diving is very similar to offshore diving in terms of the nature of work and the equipment used, the work often being in support...
Divers’ Heaven: Hawaiian Experience
The types of dive sites this covers is varied, however, and divers can be found working in harbours and lakes, on hydroelectric dams, in rivers...
Dive Travel.
By Divers, for Divers.
Gustavo Baltierra
Margarita Díaz
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